When we try to measure the amount that someone loves us, we usually do so by their actions. Do they do stuff for us? Would they protect our good name? How about being willing to suffer for us? Maybe even die in our place? If any of you have ever seen the Passion of the Christ, you have witnessed but a glimpse of what Jesus went through...for us. His love is that much. He is perfect, He did not have to die, He chose to because of God's perfect plan and because of His love for us. (talk about obeying your parents :P)
This leads me to another point: Have you ever looked at a person and seen the perfect symmetry of the human form? Two eyes, two ears, two hands, two feet, etc...the perfection of it all just shows God's perfect handy-work! But have you ever noticed that in all of this symmetry, both sides (side by side) work as one in order to have the best results? If one side is even slightly disabled, the balance is set off and the perfection is marred. The Bible says that the two shall become one (speaking of a husband and wife), haven't you ever seen your parents in perfect sinc? However, if one was slightly slacking in their spiritual walk, the two could not walk to the same ability for they would be on two different paths. This example doesn't just stop there: The Bible says "Be ye therefore perfect, even as your Father which is in heaven is perfect" (Matthew 5:48) God is perfect, and through this He has set the bar for us. Though sin disables the perfect symmetry that we were meant to have with Him, we are supposed to walk in His footsteps until we are perfected through Christ in heaven and are able to walk beside Him. We will never be perfect until then, but when we are, we will finally be able to be symmetric with our Lord. He created us in His image, to walk with Him, to be as one with Him in perfect fellowship. He is not just our Father; to be obeyed and to learn from, He isn't just a spirit; who is our everlasting guide, He isn't just our God; to be worshiped and praised, He is our lover; someone of perfection, who no one else will ever be able to measure up to, someone who we are to become one with and strive to be like. When one of our eyes is blind, marred, or flawed, we attempt to correct it to be like the good eye. The same principle applies to God, only we are the part which is flawed and marred. However, the marring came from a choice, (God gave us free will and no other living creature, only further proving that we were meant to be like Him) and we can choose differently! He is the perfection we must strive to be like in order to be able to function to our full capability! The closer we get to Him the more in sinc we will be and the easier it will be to know His will for us so that we may follow Him and do His work efficiently.
We are blind but He can see,
follow His light and we'll be set free,
of the sin that tarnishes the work of His hands,
and disables us from reaching the place in which He stands.

Are you doing your best to be symmetric with God?
follow His light and we'll be set free,
of the sin that tarnishes the work of His hands,
and disables us from reaching the place in which He stands.
Are you doing your best to be symmetric with God?