Sunday, November 6, 2011

My first attempt at a sonnet...

 Ok, so a few months ago I wrote this sonnet because...well...I had never written a sonnet before (alas, sad but true) and wanted a new poetical challenge! Then a few weeks ago a friend and I decided to swap poems and I sent it to her. She liked it and thus I have finally gotten up the courage to post it! Opinions and critique are appreciated!


There is no voice like thine's
so small and still in my soul
and yet with the thunder it intertwines
making all it touches whole
even while the sun sets in the west
and all the earth has taken its toll
in you, nothing can lose its zest
for you are holy and divine
you are absolute and without mistake
where you stand is made a shrine
and it is to you I give my soul to take.
So let no man attempt to venture
to steal what you rightfully procure. 

Monday, October 17, 2011

Work as Worship.

Regardless of occupation or age (even students like me), we must all face work challenges. Whether it be that exam paper that's due by midnight or a conference meeting we're getting nervous about or even household duties, we all have to deal with work. But why do we even have work (besides the fact that it is required to live and learn)? I think in order to grow in the Lord we must first learn responsibility for the little 'chores' in life. We must start from the beginning in order to fulfill our greater purpose- the purpose God is preparing us for! So really, when we work we are in training- even by doing dishes and homework we learn time management, thinking skills, and organization. If this were to become an equation it would logically look something like this:
We are in the Lord's service, training for a greater purpose.
Work is something we *must* do on a daily basis.
Therefore we derive that work is a part of the Lord's service, training us for a greater purpose!

When we work, regardless of what we are doing, as long as we do it for the glory and benefit of God and do our best at it, work is simply another form of worship. "Study to show thyself approved unto God..."


"reverent honor and homage paid to God or a sacred personage, or to any object regarded as sacred." (
Work is honoring or paying homage to  an object that we hold in a sacred position. What 'work' holds your esteem? Is it God?  For really, if an object  is being held in a sacred place then we are essentially 'worshiping' it! 
Thus if: 
Work is another form of worship.
And work takes a higher place in our life than God.
Who are we really worshiping? 
Just some thoughts... 

Saturday, June 25, 2011

I just typed /leave

What's in a word? A pretty phrase, a loving sentence, or a scorching retort, and a hateful saying?  Do you mean what you say or do you say what you mean or do you say what you mean when you say it and then later regret it? Have you ever left an imprint on someones heart with your words or actions? They say sticks and stones can break my bones but words can never hurt me, they also say that actions speak louder than words, however, I believe that words are a very powerful tool, they can either build someone up or break them to their very core. Sticks and stones are a good tool to hurt someone, but that is why armor was built. What armor is there against words? Teasing is one thing, but aiming those remarks in a way that it is at the other persons expense is another entirely.

God says to put on His whole armor so that you can withstand the enemy. "For we wrestle not against flesh and blood but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places." (Ephesians 6:12)  But what of those who are flesh and blood? How can we turn the other cheek, love our enemies, bless them that curse us, do good to them that use us? How? How can we possibly say something sweet when we are made fun of, mocked, hurt so very deeply. Maybe by someone who we are trying to share our faith with, by a relative, teacher, acquaintance? But what about someone with whom you are friends with? Someone who knows how to hurt you? Can we possibly turn the other cheek to them as well? Jesus did. There is more than one way to be kind to those who hurt us. Instead of hurting back (though it would of course serve them right, it would only make us one of them, give them another reason to want to hurt us) simply walk away. When we've cooled down a bit, pray for them (I've never once had God not answer a prayer) "Vengeance is mine sayeth the Lord, I will repay"  *I*= God...our heavenly father..."it is He that hath made us and not we ourselves..." If he made us and everything else under and beyond the sun, and if He promises to take care of even the sparrow then why wouldn't He also take care of us. There is no explaining the power of God and I assure you that He is there for you. Let Him take revenge. When we take power into our own hands we end up playing God, deciding justice, and either a) making a fool of ourselves in our hurt or b) by getting a good winger in we disturb the testimony that God is working on...perhaps through us. If you are being an example of Christ, then what they are wanting to bring down is God, not you...for though humans are what tease and mock and bully, Satan is the one that is using them.

If Satan in someone is trying to get to Christ in you, then that only proves that this isn't our battle...God will defend us even if he never shows us on this earth that He did...I know He always does. If we let our own flesh get in the way though we could make it a lot more difficult (who knows if the person is even saved or not, if not then perhaps God will allow us to show them the gospel...which would really heap coals of fire on them :P) It might be impossible to turn the other cheek sometimes...but we can always get away from them. When you leave, what else can they do? (and if they do, pls...tell an adult)

Thursday, May 12, 2011

Blaming Game

I love dryer sheets, they hold up so well but are so lacy and delicate, however, one tug and they have come unraveled. We are a lot like that. We hold up fine but one tug and we are walking around trying to find who tugged us so we can blame someone for our mess. I think I have been blaming God for mine...

We feel like we have to blame someone in order to put anger over the hurt we feel inside, to cover the open wound, and when we don't want to blame the person who did or have no one to blame, we often blame God or even ourselves. This doesn't fix the problem though, does it? We then become so consumed with our own emotions that we cannot move forward.

Lately my life has felt like it is unraveling at it's core: me. I literally feel myself breaking into pieces and shattering on the floor dragging behind me a untold, unseen, unspoken  burden that no man could carry. Inside the only thing that can block out the constant tears is blaming something to distract from my hurt. So I sub-consciously blamed God. But really, how did that of all things help me?

How can we heal if we are blaming something or someone? How can we live if we are relying on ourselves to heal us instead of God? Let me re-phrase that: When we blame someone for what is going wrong in our life, instead of feeling what we are feeling then giving it to God, we focus on the negative which only brings us down.

This isn't the only thing that will keep us from healing though...

 For the past two years I have been ill...I hate it...I'm ready for my life to go on...I'm tired of faking it and saying "great" when ppl ask me how I am. But I alone cannot change it. In fact, my doctor and parents can't even change it :P
God can, but for some reason I haven't healed...could it be for a purpose? Two days ago I realized that things were changing, I cried one last time, but felt different afterwards...I stopped blaming and started thinking of how I could change me. Since then I have seen certain things in my life start building back to where they should be and even better.

No, I am not yet well, no, things will never be as they were or could have been...but with God (not fighting Him) I feel like things are going to be as they were supposed to be...even if I won't graduate at 17, and even if I have given up S&D for good, and even if ...ya get the life has changed oh so much, but I am finally realizing that those changes needed to happen to make me the person I am on my way to being...the person God wanted me to be.

No matter what is going wrong in your life or how much you feel God or even yourself is to blame...remember that all things happen for a purpose, simply be open to seeing that purpose when God is ready to reveal it. I leave this keyboard I go to a new life, a good life, where I do not have to carry my burdens alone and everything will work out for the better in the long run...join me?

And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to His purpose.
~Romans 8:28

NOTE:  This is a lot, I've kinda poured out my heart...pls be courteous of this fact.

Thursday, March 31, 2011

God gave us the perfect example for our relationships though His creation: just look in the mirror!


When we try to measure the amount that someone loves us, we usually do so by their actions. Do they do stuff for us? Would they protect our good name? How about being willing to suffer for us? Maybe even die in our place? If any of you have ever seen the Passion of the Christ, you have witnessed but a glimpse of what Jesus went through...for us. His love is that much. He is perfect, He did not have to die, He chose to because of God's perfect plan and because of His love for us. (talk about obeying your parents :P)
This leads me to another point: Have you ever looked at a person and seen the perfect symmetry of the human form? Two eyes, two ears, two hands, two feet, etc...the perfection of it all just shows God's perfect handy-work! But have you ever noticed that in all of this symmetry, both sides (side by side) work as one in order to have the best results? If one side is even slightly disabled, the balance is set off and the perfection is marred. The Bible says that the two shall become one (speaking of a husband and wife), haven't you ever seen your parents in perfect sinc? However, if one was  slightly slacking in their  spiritual walk, the two could not walk to the same ability for they would be on two different paths.  This example doesn't just stop there: The Bible says "Be ye therefore perfect, even as your Father which is in heaven is perfect" (Matthew 5:48)    God is perfect, and through this He has set the bar for us.  Though sin disables the perfect symmetry that we were meant to have with Him, we are supposed to walk in His footsteps until we are perfected through Christ in heaven and are able to walk beside Him. We will never be perfect until then, but when we are, we will finally be able to be symmetric with our Lord. He created us in His image, to walk with Him, to be as one with Him in perfect fellowship. He is not just our Father; to be obeyed and to learn from, He isn't just a spirit; who is our everlasting guide, He isn't just our God; to be worshiped and praised, He is our lover; someone of perfection, who no one else will ever be able to measure up to, someone who we are to become one with and strive to be like. When one of our eyes is blind, marred, or flawed, we attempt to correct it to be like the good eye. The same principle applies to God, only we are the part which is flawed and marred. However, the marring came from a choice, (God gave us free will and no other living creature, only further proving that we were meant to be like Him) and we can choose differently! He is the perfection we must strive to be like in order to be able to function to our full capability!  The closer we get to Him the more in sinc we will be and the easier it will be to know His will for us so that we may follow Him and do His work efficiently.
We are blind but He can see,
follow His light and we'll be set free,
of the sin that tarnishes the work of His hands,
and disables us from reaching the place in which He stands.

Are you doing your best to be symmetric with God?

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Where satan works...

 Our body is the temple of God. So where is the most likely place that satan is going to bring his army in order to attack God's work? Your body :P

 Have you ever had a bad illness and then right after, you feel as though your spirit is being attacked over and over, wearing you down till you break? This happened to me this past year and I kept asking God "why?" over and over, to no avail. What I should have been asking myself was "how?" Last Sunday I figured it out: It is harder for my spirit to fight temptations and trials when my body (the physical) is weak. I mean, it's harder to be a witness for God or do anything really positive for Him when we are not feeling very well. This is exactly what satan wants. What he doesn't want is for our spirit to be up and fighting, and if we are saved then he can't get us that way, thus we are a threat to him. So guess what? Satan then tries to ruin our lives in ways that would make us incapable of serving God to our fullest ability. How does he do this? Well, let's examine that more closely by  looking at how satan tries to work in us.

 Our circumstances are something that can really either bring us up or tear us down. When God allows satan to try to tear down our situations in life, it can be very weakening, so why would God do this? Because He has a purpose for it, when we are going through trials it isn't because God doesn't care but because He knows that even though satan is trying to bring evil, only good will prevail in the long run. He is allowing it because He knows that we are up for the challenge or is preparing our spirit for the real battle. He says that He will "never leave thee nor forsake thee"Heb. 13:5 and that He will never give us too heavy of a burden. He knows our limits and won't allow us to be overtaken, however, sometimes our circumstances happen the way they do to make us rely on Him more. I had a blog post way back when talking about the fact that when we are the weakest and are crying out for help to God, that is when we are the strongest, because we are finally looking to Him as a refuge. This is the same principle, but there is a slight difference in what I am talking about.  When satan works in our circumstances it is depressing and difficult, this is a time when we need to rely on God, be in prayer, and ready to fight. However, there is another approach that satan tries and often succeeds in: Physical ailments. That is where we are most vulnerable. Why? Because anyone can rely on God and let Him take care of our circumstances, but what is one to do when satan is literally tearing our body apart; thus weakening our spirit, and making our life issues play at their worst with us over and over and over; always where and when we are weak, till we crack and break? This is when it becomes more difficult. So what are we to do?  Nothing is too big for the Lord! "I can do all things through Christ which strengtheneth me."Phil. 4:13 I believe that prayer and scripture are the best way of overcoming the devil, through them we are made strong. If our hearts are filled with scripture, prayer, and God, then there is no more room for satan, and if satan doesn't fit then where can he work?  If you believe that your body is the temple of God, then make it holy, sacred, and full of Him and only Him. Also know that when satan attacks us; though he is trying to get us down, God is using even this for His perfect plan. "Be strong and of a good courage..."Duet. 31:6  "neither give place to the devil."Eph. 4:27 Be ready for the challenge and be ready to be a witness to those around you. You never know who's watching.

Saturday, March 12, 2011

The secret to true success:

the secret to success is not in who we are but in what we do
not in what other people tell us about ourselves but in what we choose to believe about ourselves
not in what the world says but in what God says
not in what we want to believe but what we should believe
not in what we want to do but in what God wants us to do
not in how we wish to see the world but in what is really there
not in others success but in our own knowledge and creativity
the secret to success is not in the world around us but in heaven above


If we are looking for success here in any other way than in pleasing God then what success will we have? Matthew 6:19-21 says to lay up our treasure in heaven (the reaping of success) and our heart will follow. Why will our heart follow? Because our heart is in what we are sowing, if we intend to reap success from this sowing then it will most likely take up a lot of our time, if it takes up a lot of time then we are most likely pondering it a lot,  and if it is always on our mind then our heart, time, thoughts, and efforts are in it. Our heart is in what we spend the most time with...we reap what we sow and if we are sowing something that does not honor God then what treasure will we gain from Him and where will our heart be? However, if we sow seeds for Him then our treasure will be for God and our hearts will follow. Then will we have reached true success, because it will not have been of this world but stored with God and our rewards will be eternal.
WARNING: God promises treasures in heaven, but He warns that if we choose to sow His seeds and follow Him, we will receive not only those rewards, but also a hard life. Now, this life might not be as hard as those He was directly telling this to as the persecution for Christians is not nearly as bad, however, if we are truly honoring God then others who are not will be put off by our spirit and might cause us some trouble. Just because we chose the right path doesn't mean everyone else has, Satin in them will try to cause us misery and heartache, but if we are to reach success then all we have to do is call upon the name of the Lord.


 But really, what danger is there in this world against God and those who serve Him when He created all.

I have chosen the path that leads to everlasting treasure instead of biding my time in earthly things that will pass away...will you join me? For then we will be:

 This is true success!

Monday, March 7, 2011

What is this world coming to?

 Ok, so our economy is really bad (trillions in debt to be exact), so morality is on the decline(fast), so gas prices are expected to hit $5.00 sometime soon, so most of the world is turning away from Christianity and people are revolting against their governments, so it seems that our current president is leading our country to poverty and ruin, so we are at war, so we have military posts in almost every country but don't have enough money to maintain those without borrowing more, so we are actually borrowing money from China, so same-sex marriage is waiting for legalization, so abortion is still around, so what? So what are we going to do about?
  As soon as I turn on the TV. or go outside the first thing I see is how far America has declined. I go inside the Christian community and even see it there: the same pettiness, jealousy, backbiting, worldliness, and disregard for modesty. There seems to be no preaching on sin, the music we listen to is the same as the music our next door neighbor listens to, and our language is even the same, we have made so many compromises in Christianity to supposedly "bring people in" that we have turned into the very people that we are trying to change for God. So what difference are they going to see?   Well, if they walk into the common church then they will probably see a lot of emotion and rock music that repeats to the point of a lull...are these worship hymns or something to numb your soul? What do people see when they look at us? Do they simply see themselves or God? We are supposed to be separate from the world, this means from worldliness as well...however, this also means that we are separate from the stress of what the world is going through. So, yes, we have to pay higher taxes, higher gas prices, budget better, and have a lot more to pray about, but we are not of the world. So guess what? When this world finally falls apart in its own misery and ruin, we won't be here and won't have to worry. God is still in control and He still knows best. This doesn't mean that we don't have a responsibility and can just hang back and watch though. On the contrary, this is the time in which we need to be on our toes spreading God's truth and being a witness for Him. We can also help out  in the community, encourage those around us, simply be a blessing if nothing else. We're the next generation, so we should be aware of what is happening in this generation, cause it's what we get to deal with next :P

So what do we do about it? I think the answer to this question is different in every I challenge you to pray about it... God will show you.

                        So what seed are you sowing?


Galatians 6:7-8

Monday, February 21, 2011

"A rose by any other name would smell as sweet"

Have you ever looked at a rose petal? I mean really looked at them? It is amazing how something so simple can be so beautiful and intricate at the same time as giving off such a wonderful scent! Most of the time we think of roses as love gifts; flowers that mean certain things and are given sentimentally, or as decorative  ornaments, but underneath it all God's hand is seen...He must really be a loving and patient God to make something so small and intricate!

I am sure we have all heard the old, philosophical (Shakespearean) saying: "A rose by any other name would smell as sweet". I am going to have to agree with this; as strange as the thought seems, because of something my Youth Director said yesterday. We were discussing the responsibility of Christianity, the Bible to unbelievers.. and how to witness to people who do not accept the Bible as fact somehow came into the conversation. Anyhow, I asked what to do when people who would normally not view the Bible as fact  came asking about God but then turned away because of the latter. Her response really got me thinking: " They can tune out the Bible and everything you tell them, they can even tune out God's voice, but they can't ignore you."  They can't ignore you! This would also mean they can't ignore the things I do, thus making my words words valid, and God's voice heard since I (as a Christian) make Him my guide. They can't ignore what I do... the power our actions have!  If we act as we should and take the responsibility of being a Christian seriously, then those around us will be forced to face the difference they see in us vs. the world. If, however, we talk the same way as those around us and are not careful in what we do...even if it is all in the name of God, then those who might come to Him through us will only see themselves through us instead of God. Our job as Christians is to represent Christ to the world, if we mis-represent Him then what will others see? If we turn them off by our actions, even one time, it will take a lot to turn that preconceived  notion around. Though the righteous shall judge, we try to see the person as a whole beforehand, why? Because of God, so what is to stop other people from judging us by one wrong action..even (supposedly) in His name? Our actions speak louder than our words and through them our words shine. But does God? If as Christians we have the responsibility to reflect Him, then we  know that we must also be like Him. ("be ye therefore perfect, even as your father which is in heaven is perfect"Matthew 5:48) If we reflect Him, then even though people might not listen to our words or the Bible right away, we can be assured that they cannot tune out our really..they could call us anything..we can call ourselves anything: Christian, Bible believer, one of "them", God freak, and so forth, but our actions are what determine who we really are. If a rose were called a skunk, but still looked like a rose and smelled like one, people would still eventually turn around and follow "that scent".  Simply phrased: people can persecute us and think wrong things about Christians, but if we are truly honoring God and walking where we should, then people can't ignore that; no matter what preconceived notion they might have, and will always have that nagging them until they decide to also follow Christ.

One last thing that we must always remember in our walk to be like Jesus: even roses have thorns. But He is the gardener and His kingdom is where He is pruning and tending us to be ready for. He knows our thorns because they pierced Him on the cross, but He wants to trim them back so that we may enter His kingdom as beautiful and perfect as a rose..He *will* trim them if we ask..then we will come even closer to our goal: to be as perfect as "*the rose of Sharon" :) *S of S 2:1

I pray that God will bless each of you in your walk with Him and that it will always be an easy one..but no matter what you might be facing right now..remember: God loves you and can take care of you..and..nothing lasts forever!

Sunday, February 13, 2011

Jesus is our Valentines Day lover!

Happy Valentines Day friends! <3 For me, this is my favorite's like a whole holiday dedicated to pink! What could be better?!
Anyway, the above picture pretty much says it all..but I'll add a few words:

Today, this holiday has been commercialized  to add to product demand (aka: flowers, candy, bears, etc) that the origin and beauty of it has been lost. But I think that the true meaning of this "holiday" was written loonngg before industry and the saints that brought us it's name. Think John 3:16.  When I saw that verse set up like a valentine greeting I realized.."wait! God does love us..He is our lover ..He sent His son so that we could live..and be His!" Doesn't that take "B Mine" to a whole new level?!  When we view this pagan holiday this way, everything becomes even more sweet. :)

This brings me to another point though, Jesus is our lover. "huh?" Think about it, what does He do? He pursues us till we give in and love Him, He wants all of us and to be in our heart, He was willing to die to save us (which is pretty noble and romantic), and what does he ask in return? Simply that we receive His love for us and honor it. We see relationships everywhere..things that go wrong and go right..but how do we know what do in one? We look at our parents, our siblings, friends, etc. But where did they learn how to deal with a relationship? Who they make mistakes too? Absolutely! So why are we looking at their relationship to perhaps base our own off of? Doesn't make a lot of sense does it?:P How did Jesus handle His relationships though? Perfectly! I'm sure He was always an awesome friend, brother, and know what though? He is still a friend..and a lover. He wants to be yours and wants you to be His, so really, what relationship should we be modeling ours after? God's :) The more we spend time with Him the more we learn His ways, the more we practice with Him the less mistakes we will make, the more we love Him, the more loved we will feel, but most of all, the closer we are to Him  the better not only our relationship with Him will get, but also, the better our relationships with those around will be! If we want someone to model a perfect relationship from...just look to the sky..for all of nature reflects His glory and shows His love! Why settle for something less than perfect when perfect is possible through our Lord?!

This Valentines Day, I pray that as you show your love to those around you, that you will model that love off of what you see in your relationship with God!
Is that relationship where it should be?

Friday, February 11, 2011

What would we be without God?

What would we be without God? What would you be without Him? What would I be without Him? This is a question everyone can and should answer sometime in their  lives, however, it is a question only I can answer for myself and one only you could  answer for yourself. It is so hard to explain the rush of amazement that ocurrs when one realizes; really realizes, who one would be when God is taken out of the picture. Think about this, when we feel alone, we really would be, when we needed help, no one would step up to the plate. Who would give us guidance? Most importantly, if God was not there, no one would have been willing to die for our sins and no one would have been strong enough to overcome, not only temptation, but also death itself!
When God is taken out of the picture who would be the reason not to sin? Any morality that the world has left in it would be tossed out the window. Who would hold us accountable? No one.

So what would we be without God? Generally we would be thoughtless and alone in our sins..what about individually? What weaknesses do you have? What power would give you strength to go on in tough times? We are alone....humans only care so much, without the compassion for our neighbor that God showed us, we really wouldn't care what happened to those around us. So without God we would in one simple word be 'lost'.  Please think about this: who would you be without the knowledge that God is there with you?

This question (which I hope you examined and thought about) leads to two points: A: God is there! (yay r?!) And we are *not* alone..He is forgiving and loving and wants us to honor Him...we have to realize and face who we would be without Him to realize who we are and how changed we are with Him. How much of an impact He makes in our lives is truly eye opening to the to the fact of how much we really need Him. It is because of Him that we have the ability to be saved!

This beings me to pt B: Have you made that decision? If you haven't, why not? Have you ever even heard this before? If not please read: entirely! If so, I praise God for it! (pls note: u r not saved if you consider yourself a are only saved based on asking to be because you know your sins and know you can't get to heaven on your simple as that! If there is any doubt, please read what this site has to say for yourself, better safe that only have one can't relive it or a make decision once that life is over) Moving back to the question: "Have you ever even heard this before?" (Which if you have any questions..please feel free to contact me with them!) If you have accepted Jesus Christ as your Savior you know what he is and what He does, but do you know that many do not and have never heard of this before? I am sure you have thought about that. But please think about this: Just as you saw yourself without the knowledge of God, so many people see everyday as a reality, not just a mental picture. Imagine if you had to go through the earlier image in your mind on a daily basis as a reality? This is happening here, now, to millions upon millions of people all over the world..maybe even your next door neighbor or family member. As Christians we have the responsibility to take the good news we have received and pass it on to others. We have come into the light now we need to pass that light on to others whose world is filled with darkness...their eyes will never see light if we don't go out as called and cure their blindness. This is an even more important truth than the earlier one..a truth that we must pass on. Don't let others pass on without knowing what it is like to never be alone and to be forgiven of all sin..spread the joy of God, for without Him, what would we be?

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Read the Bible, it's great for the soul!

As I have been writing in this blog, I have become even more aware of how much the Bible gives us. We buy tons and TONS of devotionals that are supposed to "clear our soul" "uplift us" "encourage and bless". But really, what do they do? They collect dust and or put us to sleep..(they do for me anyway). It's amazing that people can take a text from the Bible and write a book about it, then make money off of it. Instead of trying to understand the Bible by buying other books to interpret it for us, what we should be doing is reading it over and over until our eyes are opened to what God wants us to see in the passage and we finally understand it. Instead of buying other books to encourage us, we should be looking at encouraging verses from the Bible. A couple of days ago I was a bit discouraged, so I decided to look up a bunch of uplifting verses. You would be amazed at how much stuff the Bible talks about! I read exactly what I needed and was able to read it over and over again, knowing that God said it, not someone who likes to write devotionals. Those are fun and kinda nice, I know I like to write some now and then and reading them is always encouraging, but the times I spend in the word are the most profitable. That is what we need to be doing when we are heavy laden, seek God and see what He has to say. There is really no other source that has as much substance, no other source that fits our every need than God's word! So please, grab some encouragement from the Bible next time you are burdened instead of going to your favorite writer or preacher, they might be good at what they do, but how did they get this way? By starting in the word, let's start there too..people are people, but God is Lord!

Saturday, February 5, 2011

There is light at the end of 'His' path!

Isaiah 30:21 And thine ears shall hear a word behind thee, saying, This is the way, walk ye in it, when ye turn to the right hand, and when ye turn to the left.

I saw this verse and found it so comforting I decided to memorize it. :P
Have you ever felt so alone or disheartened that all you can do is pray? Then suddenly God shows you a verse that is exactly what you needed to hear..this is that verse for me. Lately I have been trying to find the path God wants me to take, that path can sometimes feel you see it and know it..but you are at a crossroads and everything seems blurry..the paths seem equal, spiritually and flesh wise, which can one possibly decide to take? That is why I find this verse and others like it so comforting. It's God's promise to us that no matter what decision or road we're at, He is there and will be that small, inner voice telling us what to do so that we stay on the path He has for us.

If are not sure of what road to take; as we all are at one time or another, please remember that God knows and His path for us is perfect. Remember to ask Him for directions and listen to that inner voice. He is the only one that can show us the path that will take us to Him.

Monday, January 31, 2011

Love or Hate?

The strongest emotion that can ever be felt is not hate, but love.

Originally I thought it was hate, not love, that was the most moving emotion. (by moving emotion I mean the one that makes people take action more) I mean, hate has had its effects in history...but the more I thought about it the more I saw that love has really been the cause of...well...everything.

Why is black Friday so deadly? Is it because people hate others so much they don't care? Or is it because of their greed?

Why are wars started? Is it because people hate each other? (even tho they have never necessarily met) Or is it because they love and want to protect their Nation...their freedom..their cause..their rights?

What causes hate? Is it not a broken heart? Love turned cold?

What caused a man to swerve his vehicle in an accident so that it was his side that was crushed in, his life that was taken, instead of his pregnant wife? Was it hate for his own life? Or was it the love of his family?

John 3:16-17 

Most powerful of all..Why did God send His son, just to die for our sins? I know it was because he loved us. Why did Jesus sacrifice everything..then break through the barrier of death? Could it be that He loved us more than His hate for sin? Yes, it is...even though God shuns sin and despises it, instead of punishing us forever, He paid the ultimate price; a price of love, because of the love He has for us. That love is called mercy, forgiveness, salvation, and much more.

God loves matter what you have done or have gone through, He loves you, accept it and love Him back. Then go and spread your joy to others by telling them of His word.

Love truly is the most powerful emotion one can possibly feel.

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

He is in what we let Him be what we say

John 1:1 "In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God."

Ok, so I know "the Word" in this scenario is talking about Jesus and there is a deep Biblical concept attached to this verse. But, as I have been thinking a lot about communication lately (and I mean a lot :P) it has occurred to me that God created language, therefore, if this verse was to be taken literally, it would have a very influential meaning. Every single word we utter, either good or bad, God is a part of. He is either pleased or disappointed in what we say... but it is still a part of Him. Ok, so this concept can get a little deep and confusing, but once really thought about it makes sense: created words, and He wants us to spread His words, but He is also the Word. In other words: He is either reflected in the words we say or He isn't..are we speaking His words? If we are then when the time comes for us to share them with others, we will never be at a loss as to what to say. If He is the Word, then He will surely give us the words to say what He wants us to. This might seem a little (ok, a LOT!) redundant, but please bare with me a little longer.

Ok, so if God is the Word, and He is in our words, then wouldn't that mean that everything we say is to be held accountable to Him? Whether in debate (as heated as those "discussions" can be) or in simple conversations, we should always strive to say things that will bless His name and those around us. Because what we say will be the example of our Christianity to those who might be doubting their faith or do not believe on God. They will see our creator through what we say, thus (hopefully) putting a huge burden on us to magnify His name, to see if He really works through us and is what we say he is.

This point brings me to the point of everyday conversations. We obviously, as Christians, have the burden to be a good example to lost souls..but we have the same burden to be an example to fellow believers. Everyone has their moments of straying and being taken in by the world: in music, in worldly thoughts, actions, etc.  We need to make sure that those things would honor God, if He is in what we say than He is always there for we always use words. If He is always there, then naturally He would hear everything we say and listen to, and see everything we do or take part in. Was that conversation you had last week with your friends or cousins pleasing or reflective of Him? Was it something you would have been talking to Him about?

Speaking of talking to God: If He is in what we say, how does He feel about how we sometimes talk to our parents? He is our heavenly Father, so how we treat them is parallel to how we treat God. What we say in anger, frustration, annoyance, drollness, or any other emotion to our earthly authorities will immediately be heard by our eternal authority. He is definitely not in our words then...words..which unspoken are thoughts..and used become actions. Let's use these words to reflect God even to our parents. Next time they ask you to do something..why don't we shock them with the love of God and just do it :P

See how it builds? From that simple, truthful verse comes a world of responsibility to God. If this is true, then that must also be true, before we know it He is everywhere and in everything..even a simple word. Kinda like a lie, it builds and builds and before we know has consumed us. This time though, the consuming is a comfort, because we know He is always there to talk to, to lead us, and to speak through us..especially when we are unsure of what to say.
But have heart! If He is in what we say, then we can most assuredly count on Him to lean on in the burden of souls we must tell His words to. May He help you all and guide you all in the next conversation you have..and the next! Just remember: Spread His words!


Friday, January 7, 2011

Standing firm

It is 2011!!!  With this year comes the peer pressure and new years resolutions, I am personally holding to the new years resolution of standing firm in what I believe and never sacrificing that for any reason.  Last year, I came across many obstacles where I was put to the test and questioned in my beliefs. I learned a lesson last year that I will carry on through the rest of my life: Never question yourself, only question other people. If your stance is questioned in any area, think about the Bible, does it contradict? Would God approve of your stance or of what you are doing? If the honest answer to both questions is yes, then question *their* stance. Do not let peer pressure and fitting in make you lose what you believe in for another belief. Don't take other people's word for it, look it up in the Bible.