Sunday, November 14, 2010

Strength in weakness

It is in our weakest moments that we are the strongest and really discover true strength because it is in those moments that we surrender our situation to God and let Him lead us.

I have discovered that when I am weak, feel like giving up, and I don't give it to God I will always end up falling, failing, and feeling/thinking what Satan wants me to. However, when I am weak and decide to let go of everything and give it to God I will not be outside of His will and therefore will never fail/fall...we are in His hands. Even if I chose the former and let Satan get a hold of me, even then, when I turn around, get on my knees, and start praying for Him to take it out of my hands and take care of it then that is when I will experience true strength. For when we have strength in God we have unfailing, everlasting strength. May God show you all that He is stronger than all of our problems :)


  1. yep yep yep! so true! thanks for the reminder, im so glad we serve such a powerful God! it just amazes me!!!
