When one hears that phrase one immediately thinks of the family and such, or of the pilgrims or..however, we rarely think of the hardships that those who came before us had to suffer through. We are thankful the TV is working so we can watch football or that everyone is well but do we stop to think about what came before us? After leaving the tyranny of England, the pilgrims then had to face the harshness of the American frontier. Half of them were dead before winter's end. *They* had things to be thankful for, so they celebrated and feasted with new found friends. But what they also did was give thanks to God for what He had given them. Isn't that amazing? After losing so many friends and family and having suffered through illness they still thanked Him and praised Him. Their morals and faith were *that* strong in that time. It saddens me to think of how selfish and un-American we have become in recent years. Oh, to have faith like that in this Nation again! We are losing our inalienable rights which our forefathers died for! We no longer have privacy or freedoms we used to have. For example: When one flies, we now have to be pat down or x-rayed. No choice in the matter, and it is impossible to drive through an ocean so one cannot just drive no matter what. This is law, what kind of people have we elected that are trying o take away our American values and turn our Nation into to that of one in Europe? We have already gone through a war with England, I don't know about you but I don't want to go back to those principles! I am thankful that we are still a Christian Nation, but I am not sure how much longer I will be allowed to appreciate our religious principles. This Thanksgiving I pray that you will be encouraged to remember the morals and faith we were founded on and not to stray from it as you grow older. We *are* the next generation and have a chance to make it a better generation for Christ, but we will never reach that if we do not get the word out and speak up for our faith! Happy Thanksgiving!
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