Monday, October 17, 2011

Work as Worship.

Regardless of occupation or age (even students like me), we must all face work challenges. Whether it be that exam paper that's due by midnight or a conference meeting we're getting nervous about or even household duties, we all have to deal with work. But why do we even have work (besides the fact that it is required to live and learn)? I think in order to grow in the Lord we must first learn responsibility for the little 'chores' in life. We must start from the beginning in order to fulfill our greater purpose- the purpose God is preparing us for! So really, when we work we are in training- even by doing dishes and homework we learn time management, thinking skills, and organization. If this were to become an equation it would logically look something like this:
We are in the Lord's service, training for a greater purpose.
Work is something we *must* do on a daily basis.
Therefore we derive that work is a part of the Lord's service, training us for a greater purpose!

When we work, regardless of what we are doing, as long as we do it for the glory and benefit of God and do our best at it, work is simply another form of worship. "Study to show thyself approved unto God..."


"reverent honor and homage paid to God or a sacred personage, or to any object regarded as sacred." (
Work is honoring or paying homage to  an object that we hold in a sacred position. What 'work' holds your esteem? Is it God?  For really, if an object  is being held in a sacred place then we are essentially 'worshiping' it! 
Thus if: 
Work is another form of worship.
And work takes a higher place in our life than God.
Who are we really worshiping? 
Just some thoughts...