Monday, March 7, 2011

What is this world coming to?

 Ok, so our economy is really bad (trillions in debt to be exact), so morality is on the decline(fast), so gas prices are expected to hit $5.00 sometime soon, so most of the world is turning away from Christianity and people are revolting against their governments, so it seems that our current president is leading our country to poverty and ruin, so we are at war, so we have military posts in almost every country but don't have enough money to maintain those without borrowing more, so we are actually borrowing money from China, so same-sex marriage is waiting for legalization, so abortion is still around, so what? So what are we going to do about?
  As soon as I turn on the TV. or go outside the first thing I see is how far America has declined. I go inside the Christian community and even see it there: the same pettiness, jealousy, backbiting, worldliness, and disregard for modesty. There seems to be no preaching on sin, the music we listen to is the same as the music our next door neighbor listens to, and our language is even the same, we have made so many compromises in Christianity to supposedly "bring people in" that we have turned into the very people that we are trying to change for God. So what difference are they going to see?   Well, if they walk into the common church then they will probably see a lot of emotion and rock music that repeats to the point of a lull...are these worship hymns or something to numb your soul? What do people see when they look at us? Do they simply see themselves or God? We are supposed to be separate from the world, this means from worldliness as well...however, this also means that we are separate from the stress of what the world is going through. So, yes, we have to pay higher taxes, higher gas prices, budget better, and have a lot more to pray about, but we are not of the world. So guess what? When this world finally falls apart in its own misery and ruin, we won't be here and won't have to worry. God is still in control and He still knows best. This doesn't mean that we don't have a responsibility and can just hang back and watch though. On the contrary, this is the time in which we need to be on our toes spreading God's truth and being a witness for Him. We can also help out  in the community, encourage those around us, simply be a blessing if nothing else. We're the next generation, so we should be aware of what is happening in this generation, cause it's what we get to deal with next :P

So what do we do about it? I think the answer to this question is different in every I challenge you to pray about it... God will show you.

                        So what seed are you sowing?


Galatians 6:7-8


  1. AHHHH. Make the mouse rose stopppp. ;) Back to the post though, very nice job! Very thought provoking. :)

  2. Hahaha, NEVER! :P
    Aww, thanks :)
